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What’s Soupin’ Good Lookin’

The soup diet has made a comeback. Though did it ever really go away? Soups and salads have always been a main aspect of the calorie counting diets. The juice diets came in and starved us for other options, literally. So why do people prefer soupin’ to juicin’? Soups have more flavour and the options too are innumerable. Other than this, we may have some ideas why:

You Burn More Than You Consume

Keep off the cream soups and stick to broths, meat and vegetable soups and you’ll find that you burn more calories a day than you consume. The good thing about this diet is if your hungry you can just pour yourself another bowl. No need to starve.

Fat Burning Ingredients

Soups are loaded with ingredients that aid in digestion and thus burn the fat away. Pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cabbage, and the likes all help to burn body fat. Couple it with exercise to burn even more fat.

Satiating In And Of Itself

Slow cooked soups are so full of aroma and will have you salivating just in time for mealtime. Besides the flavours you can add pretty much any vegetable and meat to the soup. This ensures you are full and stay that way for a while. Now while creamy soups, pasta and noodles, cheese and the likes add to the fat and carbohydrate content in soup, you can substitute those for healthier options like quinoa to make your soup more filling.

Soup And More

Even if you are one of those that believes just a bowl of soup isn’t a meal then have a bowl before your meal. You’ll be fuller and will lay off some of the carb loaded entrees. So this may not be a full soup diet but the soup sure plays its part.

You Eat Soup Not Drink It

Maybe this is just psychological but because you eat soup and don’t drink it, you feel like you have eaten a full meal. Unlike the juice diets that have you sipping a sad looking green liquid with a straw, the soup diet has you sitting at the table with spoon in hand. You get to chew a soup and make all the mmm noises deem fit.

Soup For All Seasons

Bangalore evenings and still nice and chilly for a nice warm bowl of mutton broth, nicely peppered, with a little dollop of butter. Yes butter, it is a good fat after all. But in the summer months when you don’t like the temperature or the spice of soups, opt for a cold soup. A Cucumber Gazpacho comes to mind.

Easy To Make

Dump all the ingredients into a deep pot and let it simmer. It’s fuss-less and you can sit in front of the TV while your meal gets done. Check on it from time to time to ensure you haven’t managed to evaporate your entire dinner. But other than that, there is little room to go wrong.

All that said, it’s always good to exercise alongside any diet to gain the best results. So go, hit the gym and then get your soupin’ cookbook to get started.

Buy this book to get yourself in the soup: http://amzn.to/2FCXGbo

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