Explocity (the “Site”) refers to www.explocity.com, www.destinationsofnewyorkstate.com, www.exeecutivetraveller.in, www.nysdeals.com, www.firstfoodie.com, www.solmooney.com and all their variations, subdomain, extensions, sub-folders without limitation and includes all and any website or app owned and operated by Sol Mooney Media ("Solmo").
Welcome to Explocity (the “Site”). We respect the intellectual property rights of others just as we expect others to respect our rights. Pursuant to Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c), a copyright owner or their agent may submit a takedown notice to us via our DMCA Agent listed below. As an internet service provider, we are entitled to claim immunity from said infringement claims pursuant to the “safe harbor” provisions of the DMCA. To submit a good faith infringement claim to us, you must submit notice to us that sets forth the following information:
Send all takedown notices to our MAIL ID for prompt attention. takedown notice instructions can be found in the Terms Of Use in the section titled Infringement Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Procedures.
Please note that we may share the identity and information in any copyright infringement claim we receive with the alleged infringer. In submitting a claim, you understand, accept and agree that your identity and claim may be communicated to the alleged infringer.
If you have received a notice of material being takedown because of a copyright infringement claim, you may provide us with a counter notification in an effort to have the material in question restored to the site. Said notification must be given in writing to our DMCA Agent and must contain substantially the following elements pursuant to 17 USC Section 512(g)(3):
We take copyright infringement very seriously. Pursuant to the repeat infringer policy requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we maintain a list of DMCA notices from copyright holders and make a good faith effort to identify any repeat infringers. Those that violate our internal repeat infringer policy will have their accounts terminated.
We reserve the right to modify the contents of this page and its policy for handling DMCA claims at any time for any reason. You are encouraged to check back to review this policy frequently for any changes.