Dec 18 2022 to Dec 18 2022 10 a.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
The Green Literature Festival [GLF] ( is celebrating its first offline annual event at the Bangalore International Centre on 18th December from 10-6pm. As India’s only festival dedicated exclusively to all forms of literature on the environment, this promises to be a fiesta for eco-enthusiasts, nature lovers and readers of all ages and tastes. Visit for the full programme.
The day will begin with an address by the renowned author and environmental historian Mahesh Rangarajan on the ‘Joys of Writing on the Environment’ followed by sessions delving into everything from the art of nature filmmaking to conserving habitats. Prof. Harini Nagendra, Author and Faculty at Azim Premji University, Masood Mallick, CEO Re Sustainability and Abi T. Vanak of ATREE will offer fresh perspectives on the climate crisis that allow for hope amidst gloom, while the young climate activists of Fridays for Future, Disha Ravi, Tamanna Sengupta and Sriranjini Raman will offer a peak into how reading opens doors to nature for young people at the frontiers of the environmental movement.
For those interested in hands-on activities, author and editor Bijal Vachharajani will conduct a workshop on Nature Writing for children and parents, while the much-loved cartoonist Rohan Chakravarty will help participants Solve a Crime Scene with Adventurer, Sleuth, Mongoose Naturalist Ruddy. The festival also includes a not-to-be-missed special edition of WWF-India’s Wild Wisdom Quiz and live music.
As a festival dedicated to green literature, the highlight of the day will be the GLF HONOUR BOOK AWARDS, the only awards in India that exclusively celebrate writing on the environment in three categories: business, general fiction and non-fiction, and children. All the winners receive a special certificate, a trophy and a cash award. To view the books under consideration, visit [business, general fiction and non-fiction, children]
Every year, the team maps green books published in India and following a combination of popular ratings and critical reviews by a discerning jury, longlists and shortlists are drawn up before honouring three books. In the two years of its existence, the festival has made a concerted effort to mainstream this literature and the response has been extremely encouraging. Our curated longlists have been widely acclaimed online as eclectic collections including everything from fiction and non-fiction to poetry and comics. In response to the announcement of the General Fiction and Non-Fiction longlist this year, Amitav Ghosh tweeted, ‘This is a great list. Honoured to be on it.’ This year’s shortlists include books by Ranjit Hoskote, Pranay Lal, Mridula Ramesh, Savita Hiremath, Mukund Rajan, Col. Rajeev Kumar, Kavitha Iyer, Akshay Manwani, Bijal Vachharajani and Rohan Chakravarty. All the books curated by the festival for its awards would be available for browsing and sale at the venue, alongside other curated reads. There will also be a special book launch for titles released in 2022.
As a festival that emerged in the pall of a global pandemic, GLF is a response to the urgent need for literature that helps us comprehend our relationship with the planet, mend the broken bits, and find refuge and comfort amidst the climate crisis.
Event Details
Day and Date: Sunday, 18th December, 2022
Venue: Bangalore International Centre []
Time: 10am-6pm
To Register:
More About the Speakers on
For more details contact: Benedict Parmanand ( Meghaa Gupta (
About Greenlitfest Greenlitfest (GLF) was launched in June 2021, by a team of writers and green enthusiasts, with the purpose of mainstreaming knowledge and dialogues on environment, climate change and India’s preparedness for them. It’s a vibrant platform dedicated to identifying, celebrating and promoting books, writing, conversations and various other cultural expressions on the environment.
GLF has been founded by Benedict Paramanand, who also founded the Bangalore Business Literature Festival ( and the online platform SustainabilityNext ( Benedict has authored Smash! The Rise of Indian Badminton – Stories of Grit & Triumph (2020) as well as biographies of CK Prahalad and Baba Iqbal.
Meghaa Gupta is a co-founder at GLF. A passionate advocate of children’s literature, she is the author of A Home of Our Own (Tulika, 2018) and a widely acclaimed series of history books on Independent India – Unearthed: An Environmental History of Independent India (2020) and After Midnight: A History of Independent India (2022) – published by the children’s imprint of Penguin.
The Core Team at the festival includes Vidya Mani, founder-member of Funky Rainbow, a travelling bookshop and book consultancy that has done ground-breaking work in promoting Indian children’s literature.
The festival advisors are Member of Parliament, Former Minister of Environment and Forest, and a prolific author Jairam Ramesh; acclaimed naturalist, educator and writer Zai Whitaker; Director, Research Centre, and Professor of Sustainability at Azim Premji University Harini Nagendra; Director, Environment Education at WWF-India Radhika Suri and Global Head of Sustainability at HCL Technologies Limited, Santhosh Jayaram.