Home | Books | Book Lovers Meet - The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

Book Lovers Meet - The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus


Jun 11 2023 to Jun 11 2023 11:30 a.m.



Urban Solace

32, Annaswamy Mudaliar Rd, Ulsoor 560042

Event Description

Book under Review: The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus

The Myth of Sisyphus is a 1942 philosophical essay by Albert Camus. Influenced by philosophers such as Soren Kierkegaard, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Friedrich Nietzsche, Camus introduces his philosophy of the absurd. The absurd lies in the juxtaposition between the fundamental human need to attribute meaning to life and the "unreasonable silence" of the universe in response. Camus claims that the realization of the absurd does not justify suicide, and instead requires "revolt." He then outlines several approaches to the absurd life. In the final chapter, Camus compares the absurdity of man's life with the situation of Sisyphus, a figure of Greek mythology who was condemned to repeat forever the same meaningless task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again. The essay concludes, "The struggle itself ... is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy".

About the Author: Albert Camus

Albert Camus was a French philosopher, author, dramatist, and journalist. He was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize in Literature at the age of 44, the second-youngest recipient in history. His works include The Stranger, The Plague, The Myth of Sisyphus, The Fall, and The Rebel.

Philosophically, Camus's views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. Some consider Camus' work to show him to be an existentialist, even though he himself firmly rejected the term throughout his lifetime.

About The Curator: Sushmita Nayak

Sushmita Nayak is a student of Psychology, English Literature, and Journalism. She finds her calling in understanding human behavior and applying her learning's to her work and life in a meaningful manner. Sushmita is a strong believer in the concepts of heutagogy and experiential learning, both of which she practices on a daily basis.

Sushmita loves the arts and finds herself engaged in creative ventures. You are most likely to catch her jamming with her band, writing her untitled novel, listening to a podcast, or being lost in thought.


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