Home | Music | शून्यता–समानता | Emptiness–Equality Kabir–Ambedkar–Buddha in Raga

शून्यता–समानता | Emptiness–Equality Kabir–Ambedkar–Buddha in Raga


Jan 29 2025 to Jan 29 2025 6:30 p.m.



Bangalore International Centre

7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071

Event Description

In this musical introduction to The Notbook of Kabir, Anand will demonstrate how Kabir often translates and improvises on––and returns to––the Buddha. What is the relationship between Sunnyata (शून्यता, the void) and Samaanta (समानता, equality)? How does the raga that is nirgun (निर्गुण), beyond form and quality (गुण), enfold, embody and inform form, and help us experience both being and nothingness?

Following a brief performance, Anand will be in conversation with Kotiganahalli Ramaiah, poet, playwright, translator and song-writer renowned in the Kannada world.
Editor & Publisher, Navayana

Anand, editor and publisher at Navayana, has been a student of anticaste thought and Babasaheb Ambedkar for three decades. Since the past seven years, he has been a student of Dagarvani Dhrupad with Ustad Wasifuddin Dagar in Delhi. It was his pursuit of Ambedkar that led him to Kabir, and Kabir made him re-turn to music after a a self-enforced break of fifteen years. The heard-and-sung Kabir led him, in turn, to the vachanas and suttas of the Buddha. He found uncanny parallels in the words and themes of the suttas and Kabir’s verses.
Kotiganahalli Ramaiah
Poet, Playwright, Translator & Songwriter

Ramaiah lives in Kolar and is the author of Hejje Mathadu (Songs of Resistance).

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