Aug 17 2024 to Aug 17 2024 6:30 p.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
This session explores the importance of constitutional values in education, inspired by the newly launched book, Constitution Land. Crafted by Naincy, Faculty at Ashoka University, and Adhishri, Policy Researcher at the London School of Economics, this book takes young readers on a journey to understand the fundamentals of the Indian Constitution and encourages them to practice its principles in their daily lives. This event will delve into how the principles of the Indian Constitution can be effectively integrated into educational frameworks to resonate with young citizens. The session will feature a panel discussion with Deepika Mogilishetty of EkStep, who will discuss innovative approaches to incorporating constitutional values in education, Vineeth of CPLR, who will explore the practical impacts of these values on India’s youngest citizens and Priya Krishnamurthy of Children’s Movement for Civic Awareness, who will share insights from 25 years of experience in running a grassroots movement focused on civic education. This discussion aims to provide valuable perspectives on fostering a constitutional culture among children and exploring of how we can nurture informed, responsible citizens from a young age.