Apr 05 2025 to Apr 05 2025 7:30 p.m.
Price: 200 Book/Buy
36/2, 8th Cross Rd, R K Colony, 2nd Phase, J. P. Nagar 560078
It is possible to see everything visible to the eye, yet because the inner eye remains only partially open, one has not yet reached the perception of the emotional world that one must explore and understand. To truly perceive this other world, one must look beyond the established notions of person, object, and self-interest. The philosophers who exhibited such perception stood with the people, raising a different voice for the dignity of human life.
The healing power in Samagar Bhimavva’s breast milk, the wisdom in Nagalinga`s actions, Sharifa’s search for the sense while holding the Ektaari, and the beauty seen through the inner eye of Garaga’s Madivali — all embody what "Gudiya nodiranna" signifies.