Mar 16 2025 to Mar 16 2025 7:30 p.m.
Price: Rs 200 Book/Buy
36/2, 8th Cross Rd, R K Colony, 2nd Phase, J. P. Nagar 560078
Story of two friends "Kapila and Devadatta" and a girl Padmini. Friendship is undivided, irrespective of occupation and cast. However a girl in their lives torments the life of duo.
The central idea behind the two hour play is the dilemma that what does one love in someone? Do we love their mind, or their heart? Here heart stands representative of the body, the tangible while the head represents the intangible, wisdom, poetry call it what you please. It is a snare of entangled relationships.
Hayavadana drama is scripted by Girish Karnad who has rendered rich literature and directed by the theatre legend B.V.Karanth with lilting music. Continuing the legacy of Benaka, founded by B.V.Karanth, the classic play “Hayavadana” has been staged in Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkotta and all over Karnataka in many festivals performed to packed audience by energetic and enthusiastic Benakites. Well defined lighting, ethnic sets and apt costumes designed by Smt.Prema Karanth are used in performance.