Apr 10 2024 to Apr 10 2024 7 p.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
Kannada | 110 minutes | Suitable for Ages 14+ ಸರಿ ತಪ್ಪುಗಳಾಚೆ ಕುಟುಂಬ ಮನೆತನದ ಗೌರವಗಳು ನಿಲ್ಲಬಹುದೇ ? ಬೆಂಗಳೂರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಇರಬಹುದಾದ ಒಂದು ಸಾಂಪ್ರದಾಯಿಕ ಕುಟುಂಬ. ಗಂಡನನ್ನು ಕಳೆದುಕೊಂಡು ಕುಟುಂಬವನ್ನು ಸಂಭಾಳಿಸುತ್ತಿರುವ ಶಾರದಳಿಗೆ ಇರುವ ಒಂದೇ ಒಂದು ಭರವಸೆ ಎಂದರೆ ದೂರದ ಮುಂಬೈನಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿರುವ ಮಗ ಅಕ್ಷಯ್. ಹಳೆ ತಲೆಮಾರಿನ ಕೊಂಡಿಯಾಗಿ ಸಂಪ್ರದಾಯದ ಆಲದ ಮರವಾಗಿರುವ ಅತ್ತೆ ಸೀತಮ್ಮ ಮತ್ತು ಹೊಸ ಭವಿಷ್ಯದ ಸಂಕೇತವಾಗಿರುವ ಮಗ, ಇವರಿಬ್ಬರ ಮಧ್ಯೆ ನಿಂತಿರುವ ಶಾರದಳಿಗೆ ಭೂತಕಾಲದ ಸತ್ಯವೊಂದು ನಿಜಭೂತವಾಗಿ ಹಠಾತ್ತನೆ ನಿಲ್ಲುತ್ತದೆ, ಅದೂ ತನ್ನ ಮಗ ಅಕ್ಷಯ್ನ ಮೂಲಕ. ಹೀನಕೃತ್ಯವೊಂದರಲ್ಲಿ ಆರೋಪಿಯಾಗಿ ಮಗ ಮನೆ ಸೇರಿದಾಗ, ಶಾರದಳ ಮುಂದಿರುವ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳೇನು ?ತಾನು ನಂಬಿದ ಮೌಲ್ಯಗಳು ಆಕೆಗೆ ಸರಿದಾರಿ ತೋರಿಸಿದವೇ ಅಥವಾ ಆಕೆಯ ಮನೆ ಕಾಗೆ ಹೊಕ್ಕ ದೋಷದ ಮನೆಯಾಯಿತೇ ? ಪ್ರಖ್ಯಾತ ನಾಟಕಕಾರ ಹೆನ್ರಿಕ್ ಇಬ್ಸೆನ್ ನ ʼಘೋಸ್ಟ್ಸ್ʼ ನಾಟಕದ ಎಳೆಯೊಂದನ್ನು ಹಿಡಿದು , ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ ೨೦೧೨ ರಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆದ ನಿಜಘಟನೆಯೊಂದನ್ನು ಆಧರಿಸಿ ಅನುಪಮಾ ಚಂದ್ರಶೇಖರ್ ರವರು When the Crows Visit ಎಂಬ ನಾಟಕವನ್ನು ವೆಂಕಟೇಶ್ ಪ್ರಸಾದ್ ರವರು ಕನ್ನಡಕ್ಕೆ ʼಕಾಕದೋಷʼ ಎಂಬ ಹೆಸರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುವಾದಿಸಿ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ. ಲಂಡನ್ನಿನಲ್ಲಿ ೨೦೧೯ ರಲ್ಲಿ ಇಂಗ್ಲೀಷಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಮೊದಲಿಗೆ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶನಗೊಂಡ ಈ ನಾಟಕ ಈಗ ಮೊದಲ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ ಕನ್ನಡ ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ‘ಕಾಕದೋಷʼ ಎಂಬ ಹೆಸರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶನ ಕಾಣುತ್ತಿದೆ. How far can one go to save the Family’s ‘honour’? Set in a traditional family in a city like Bangalore, Kaakadosha revolves around the widow, Sharada, and her only hope, her son, Akshay who lives in distant Mumbai. Sharada, who is balancing the household with her Mother in law, Seethamma who roots the house with her traditional values, a link between the distant past and the present and Akshay the promise of a new future. Sharada is suddenly faced with the ghosts of the past, through the actions of her son, Sharada is left in cross roads. When Akshay returns home, accused of a heinous crime, what are Sharada’s choices? Will her trusted values show her the right path? Or are they all cursed in the old family house? Drawing inspiration from Henrik Ibsen’s “Ghosts,” Anupama Chandrasekhar crafted the play When the Crows Visit is based on a true incident from 2012. Venkatesh Prasad has translated to Kannada directed Kaakadosha. The English original premiered at Kiln Theatre, London, in October 2019, directed by Artistic Director Indhu Rubasingham. The play for the first time is being staged in an Indian language. Cast and Crew: Design: S. Surendranath Set Build: Sridhar Murthy Producer: Sushma Production Manager: Bhyrava N Light Design: Arun D T Sound Design: Utthana Barighat Costumes: Sushma On Stage Gauri Dattu, Divyashree J, Nandini Patvardhan, Shrunga B. V., Naveen Kumar J., Mario Jerome, Vasantha Krishnamurthy, Vidhya Ulithayya, Sunil Kumar V., Raag Urs Artistes Anupama Chandrasekhar Playwright Anupama Chandrasekhar is a playwright based in Chennai. She was the first international playwright-in-residence at the National Theatre, London, in 2016/17 and has been a Charles Wallace India Trust Writing Fellow at the University of Chichester. Her plays have been translated into several languages and staged at leading venues in India, Europe and North America. Her latest play THE FATHER AND THE ASSASSIN opened at the National Theatre’s largest stage, the Olivier, in London in 2022 to critical acclaim. She is the first Asian playwright to have had a play on that stage. The play was nominated for best play and best actor at the prestigious London Evening Standard Theatre Awards and was a finalist for the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize in 2023. The play returned to the National Theatre in 2023 for another sell-out run. Her play When the Crows Visit, inspired by Ibsen’s Ghosts, was commissioned and staged by the Kiln Theatre in London in 2019. Among her other works are Free Outing and Disconnect, both of which premiered at the Royal Court Theatre in London. She was a runner-up for the Evening Standard Award for Most Promising Playwright and a finalist for the Whiting Award (UK), and the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize (US) for Free Outing. Her screenplay adaptation of the same play was a finalist for the Sundance International Screenwriters’ Lab, Utah. More recently, she wrote the screenplay for a short film, Kitchen Tales, which has been showcased in several international film festivals, including London International Film Festival. Other plays by Anupama include The Snow Queen (Unicorn Theatre/Trestle Theatre/UK and India tour), Acid (QTP, Mumbai/Madras Players, Chennai), Closer Apart (Theatre Nisha, Chennai). ಅನುಪಮಾ ಚಂದ್ರಶೇಖರ್ ರವರು ಚೆನ್ನೈ ಮೂಲದ ವಿಶ್ವ ವಿಖ್ಯಾತಿ ಪಡೆದ ನಾಟಕಕಾರರು ಅವರು , ಲಂಡನ್ನ ನ್ಯಾಷನಲ್ ಥಿಯೇಟರ್ ನ ಮೊತ್ತ ಮೊದಲ ‘ಪ್ಲೇರೈಟ್-ಇನ್-ರೆಸಿಡೆನ್ಸ್’ ಗೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯಾಗಿದ್ದರು ಮತ್ತು ಮತ್ತು ಚಿಚೆಸ್ಟರ್ ವಿಶ್ವವಿದ್ಯಾಲಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಚಾರ್ಲ್ಸ್ ವ್ಯಾಲೇಸ್ ಇಂಡಿಯಾ ಟ್ರಸ್ಟ್ ರೈಟಿಂಗ್ ಫೆಲೋ ಆಗಿದ್ದರು. ಅವರ ನಾಟಕಗಳನ್ನು ಹಲವಾರು ಭಾಷೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನುವಾದಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಭಾರತ, ಯುರೋಪ್ ಮತ್ತು ಉತ್ತರ ಅಮೆರಿಕಾದ ಪ್ರಮುಖ ಸ್ಥಳಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ಅವರ ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ನಾಟಕವಾದ ದಿ ಫಾದರ್ ಅಂಡ್ ದಿ ಅಸಾಸಿನ್ 2022 ರಲ್ಲಿ ಲಂಡನ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ನ್ಯಾಷನಲ್ ಥಿಯೇಟರ್ನ ಅತಿದೊಡ್ಡ ವೇದಿಕೆಯಾದ ಒಲಿವಿಯರ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಮರ್ಶಾತ್ಮಕ ಮೆಚ್ಚುಗೆಗೆ ಪಾತ್ರವಾಯಿತು. ಇಬ್ಸೆನ್ನ ಘೋಸ್ಟ್ಸ್ನಿಂದ ಪ್ರೇರಿತವಾದ ಅವರ ನಾಟಕ ವೆನ್ ದಿ ಕ್ರೌಸ್ ವಿಸಿಟ್, ಲಂಡನ್ನ ಕಿಲ್ನ್ ಥಿಯೇಟರ್ 2019 ರಲ್ಲಿ ಮೊಟ್ಟ ಮೊದಲು ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಿ, ಪ್ರಯೋಗಿಸಿತ್ತು. Venkatesh Prasad Director Venkatesh Prasad is an artist from Bangalore with 17 years of experience in theatre. He has collaborated with notable figures in Kannada Theatre, including Prakash Belawadi, M.S. Sathyu, Abhishek Majumdar, Mohit Takalkar, Sripada Bhat, Pramod Shiggaon, Surrendranath S, and Samkutty Pattomkary. Venkatesh serves as the Artistic Director of the Bangalore Theatre Collective. As a director, he has overseen three productions: an adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s “Cherry Orchard” in Kannada, Vijay Tendulkar’s “Mitrachi Goshta – A Friend’s Story” in Kannada, and ‘Kovigondu Kannadaka’ based on Slawomir Mrozek’s Charlie. His notable work includes “Ondu Preetiya Kathe,” the first Kannada play exploring a lesbian love story. Venkatesh has held various roles in theatre, such as translator, production manager, and stage manager. In 2015, he represented India as a delegate at the Edinburgh International Theatre Festival, supported by The British Council. He has participated in workshops like SMART (art management), Making Theatre (for young directors), and a Dramaturgy workshop conducted by The Goethe Institut. Beyond theatre, Venkatesh has worked in feature films. His recent credits include the lead role and executive producer role in the acclaimed film ‘Signalman-1971.’ He has also played lead roles in films like ’19 20 21′, ‘Wind Seed’, ‘Daatu’, and ‘Bhagavati Kaadu.’ Gowri Dattu Theatre Practitioner Gowri Dattu is a versatile theatre practitioner with a lifelong career as an actor, singer, director, puppeteer, and administrator. She began her journey in theatre as an actress and singer, performing in notable plays like Kitti Kathe, Siri Sampige, Hayadhana, Rushyashrunga, Hamlet, and Antigone. Gowri was the first actress to act in a street play in Karnataka and went on to act and direct numerous street plays, including performances during the Emergency period protesting government policies. She has collaborated with various departments, organizations, and NGOs to direct, perform, and tour across Karnataka, educating people on social issues like AIDS awareness, water conservation, traffic rules, water harvesting, and animal conservation. Her contributions to children’s theatre are significant. She is the founding member and first Director of Bimba, a theatre school for children, and was instrumental in opening the Vijaynagar branch, where she served as the director for many years. She has directed several children’s plays, including O Nanna Marave, Mantravaadi, Chinnada Chendu, Aa Mani Ee Mani, Gumma, Heegu Aagabahudu, Kumaravyaasa.com, and Yaaru Dada Ralla. Gowri has conducted numerous workshops and camps across Karnataka, notably a camp for the Soliga tribe, where she lived with the tribe children, studied their customs and rituals, learned their language, taught them theatre, built a stage, and directed a play written in their language about their life as the Soliga Tribe. Currently, Gowri is the Principal of Abhinaya Taranga, where she has worked for over 26 years. She joined as a convener in 1990 and was later promoted to Principal at the insistence of the chairman. She has been instrumental in improving the curriculum, introducing the FRAME workshop for film and TV acting, and transitioning the school from a Sunday drama school to a regular theatre school in 2003. Gowri Dattu, a recipient of the Nataka Academy award, has dedicated her career to the betterment of theatre education and has made Abhinaya Taranga a renowned institute. Divyashree Jayaram Actor Divyashree Jayaram is an alumna of Abhinaya Taranga. She merges her theatre training from the school with her dance training in her performances. She has a solid foundation in acting from Abhinaya Taranga and is a trained dancer. Her dance expertise enriches her artistic expression, creating dynamic stage experiences. Nandini Patavardan Theatre & Film Actor Nandini Patavardan, works in the theatre industry and has acted in many plays and is best known for the role in Nanna Thangigondu Gandu Kodi Shrunga B V Actor Shrunga is an actor working in theatre and films. He is also a puppeteer in training. He has worked with theatre companies in Bangalore, Delhi and Munich. Naveen Kumar J Actor Naveen is an actor and producer. As an actor in theater and film, he has performed in repertories and at national festivals across India. As a producer, he has worked extensively on documentaries and advertisements and was most recently the associate producer on the Netflix documentary series ‘Crime Stories: India Detectives’. His upcoming documentary series is for BBC 2, ‘Mumbai: City of Dreams. Naveen is also deeply interested in urban landscapes to understand human behavior, everyday life, and the sudden unfolding of absurd events. Mario Jerome Actor Vasantha Krishnamurthy Actor Vidhya Ulithayya Actor Sunil Kumar V Actor Raag Urs Actor