Home | Music | Kanada ke Prakar - Night Raaga Melodies

Kanada ke Prakar - Night Raaga Melodies


Sep 20 2023 to Sep 20 2023 7 p.m.



Bangalore International Centre

7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071

Event Description

Kanada Raag has its origin in Arabic and Sufi music. Indian classical music has rich cultural music forms, raagas and night melodies which have become rare to behold.Night concerts themselves are very few in number due to practical difficulties.

Saniya Patankar, along with her troupe will present an evening articulating the special theme of Night ragas. The concert will include a variety of compositions, interwoven with lucid narration.

Kanada ke Prakar hopes to create a peaceful and soothing atmosphere, leading to a meditative state of mind.

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