May 19 2024 to May 19 2024 6:30 p.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
2022 | 99 mins | Kashmiri, Urdu with English Subtitles | India/France/Qatar
In the last three decades, approximately eight to ten thousand cases of enforced disappearances have occurred in Kashmir. Mostly young men picked up by the Indian security forces, never to return home. Until now, more than six thousand unmarked graves have been discovered in Kashmir. The relatives of the disappeared persons believe that their loved ones may be buried in these graves, but the State refuses to conduct DNA tests to identify the bodies. In the city of Srinagar, Nargis searches for her missing husband, Manzoor, until she is forced to hopelessly return to her village home. With a little help from a local man Yaseen, she silently toils away on an exquisite weave. But the quiet of the Kashmiri winter is like the silence of the graveyard, waiting to be shredded by what lies buried within. Maagh (The Winter Within) is a tragic tale of Kashmiris’ struggle for self-determination and freedom from state oppression. An oppression, ripping apart the social fabric, under which, it is Nargis, a woman, who shows greater commitment to the ideas of justice and freedom. The screening of the film will be followed by a discussion with Director, Aamir Bashir and Film Educator, Basav Biradar.
A Q&A with the audience will follow.