Home | Theatre | Prabhas ( Biopic of Nobel Lauraete Marie Curie )

Prabhas ( Biopic of Nobel Lauraete Marie Curie )


Feb 28 2024 to Feb 28 2024 7:30 p.m.


Price: 150 Book/Buy


Ranga Shankara

36/2, 8th Cross Rd, R K Colony, 2nd Phase, J. P. Nagar 560078

Event Description

`` Prabhas `` Kannada drama celebrates Madame curie`s brilliance .It also reveals her courage as a female scientist struggling with her male -dominated scientific community. Marie meets her fellow scientist Piere Curie -the pair go on to marry, raise two daughter s and change the face of science forever by jointly winning Nobel Prize. After the death of her husband Marie continues research and invites scandal when she has an affair with another prominent scientist. After that she was awarded second Nobel Prize. The drama provides a window into the importance of the curie`s discoveries and the challenging lives of scientists in the late 19th and early 20th century.

Upcoming events in Ranga Shankara
Sep 17 -Sep 17
Sep 19 -Sep 19
Sep 26 -Sep 26