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Rāma prefiguring Muhammad: A 17th Century Persian Ramayana


Feb 17 2024 to Feb 17 2024 6:30 p.m.


Price: Free Book/Buy


Museum of Art & Photography (MAP)

Kasturba Road, Bengaluru 560001

Special Instructions

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Event Description

Join us for an illustrated talk by Prashant Keshavmurthy, the associate professor of Persian-Iranian Studies at McGill University. This talk sheds light on Mullā Masīḥ Pānīpati's Dāstān-i Rām o Sitā, a Persian retelling of Valmiki’s Ramayana that portrays Rama as a prophet prefiguring Prophet Muhammad. The talk will also compare the two texts, Valmiki’s Ramayana and Masīḥ’s version, providing insights into their differences.

Upcoming events in Museum of Art & Photography (MAP)
Sep 14 -Sep 14Sep 14 -Sep 14Sep 14 -Sep 14