Mar 09 2024 to Mar 09 2024 7 p.m.
Price: 300 Book/Buy
No.15, KHB MIG Colony, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru 560095
On a day unknown, at a place not known, two people run into one another. They soon start talking to each other, but they seem to be conversing at cross purposes. They seem to be long-lost lovers but, at the same time, seem to be perfect strangers. They seem to have had a life together but, at the same time, seem to have had lives apart. They seem to be occupying differing realities but, at the same time, seem to be in someone’s dream. Who are they? Where are they? Are they actually strangers? Or do they indeed know each other? Is the encounter even real? Or is it only someone’s imagination? The play invites the audience to ponder this encounter, and its differing accounts of lives lived.
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