Home | Music | TCS Ruhaniyat - Seeking The Divine

TCS Ruhaniyat - Seeking The Divine


Jan 26 2024 to Jan 26 2024 6 p.m.


Price: Rs 1000 Book/Buy


Jayamahal Palace Hotel

1 Jayamahal Road, Near Cantonment Railway Station Road 560046

Event Description

TCS Ruhaniyat, the oldest and the largest soulful music festival of Banyan Tree Events is best described as a unique pilgrimage, the call of the soul that enlivens centuries of spiritual wisdom. The immortal works of great mystics are brought to life by mostly unheard of but immensely talented carriers of living traditions from remote parts of the country. Now for the 23rd consecutive year the seekers of joy, spiritual wisdom, enchanting music and unheard-of living traditions will be delighted to assemble yet again for Ruhaniyat.

Together, all will soak the positive energy of the lofty works that convey the wisdom and power of those who knew the secret of remaining calm and centered amidst all turmoil. Sadly, with each passing year, the messages of the great mystics really seem to become the need of the hour even more urgently!

As the works of great masters and mystic troubadours come alive, they remind the listeners of the blissful path of spirituality, of the basic oneness of all creation beyond all man-made divides of class, caste, religion, race, language or nationality. In the process also get created the much-needed bridges that ensure these unique aspects of our intangible heritage are nurtured; their carriers’ faith gain an impetus. In that sense Ruhaniyat is also a platform to discover – discover new forms, new talents, and more than that discover a little peaceful realm within and how we can connect with it.

More than a concert, Ruhaniyat brings to the audience an experience emerging from the combined power of music and spirituality; opening the hearts, and minds. Conceived and curated by Mahesh Babu, Managing Director of Banyan Tree Events, Ruhaniyat is a movement of sorts; a journey towards Peace, Harmony, Universal brotherhood, love and, towards the Self. However, more than anything else it connects all who believe in the power of unconditional love, total surrender of ego and unity of all.

Upcoming events in Jayamahal Palace Hotel
Oct 10 -Oct 11Oct 10 -Oct 11