Home | Kids | The Constitution and its Makers - The People behind the Document

The Constitution and its Makers - The People behind the Document


Jan 26 2025 to Jan 26 2025 3 p.m.



Bangalore International Centre

7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071

Event Description

The Indian Constitution, which came into force on 26 January, 1950 was prepared by the Constituent Assembly over a two and a half year period through a process of discussion and debate. There were close to 300 members in the Constituent Assembly. Besides the known members of the Assembly like Dr BR Ambedkar and Jawaharlal Nehru, several others contributed to the making of the Constitution.

10 Makers of the Indian Constitution introduces you to some of these makers. What were the lives of these makers like? What were their achievements? What were their contributions to the Constitution and to India in general? There are fascinating stories that lie hidden.

We at BIC have put together a day, full of events at our Library, to celebrate the 76th year of the Indian Constitution with kids at the heart of our programmes. Through stories, quizzes, and fun-filled sessions, we aim to get young minds thinking a little bit more in depth about our constitution and country.

Karthik Venkatesh
Author & Executive Editor, Penguin Random House India

Karthik Venkatesh grew up in Bangalore, speaking Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, English, Dakhani and Hindi. He tried to learn French but failed. He did learn Punjabi though. Once an MBA, he later studied education and taught English and History in a school. He now edits for a living and writes whenever the fancy strikes him.

Karthik lives in Bangalore with his wife Amarinder, children Geet and Neil, and dog Norah. He has plans to adopt another dog and have a mini aquarium. On weekday mornings, he often runs. On weekends, he naps.

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