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Akash Venugopal Loves Meghana’s Biryani

Biryani is the food for all, including non-foodies like Akash Venugopal. In conversation with Explocity, Venugopal talks of all the varieties of Biryani he likes.


Are you a foodie?

No I’m not.


What’s your favourite cuisine?

Always Biryani.


What’s the last place that you went to in Bangalore that you really enjoyed? What did you eat there that stood out?

Sherlock’s Pub. I basically had the nachos with beer. The beer was main part.


What’s your favourite dish of all time and where did you eat it?

Biryani. All varieties. Every Biryani has it’s own flavour and aroma.


What is your least favourite dish?

Kaddu (pumpkin) Sabzi.


If you have to recommend a place to our readers what will it be?

Meghna’s for Biryani.


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