Nov 16 2022 to Nov 16 2022 6:30 p.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
Historically, the relationship between India and Pakistan has been mired in conflicts, war and lack of trust. Because of its implacable hostility and campaign of terror, Pakistan has continued to loom large on India’s horizon in spite of the growing gap between the two countries and has been the subject of an intense debate on how to deal with it. A body of opinion which reposes faith in the shared heritage of the two countries to overcome the problems between them and the view favouring a muscular approach underpinned by India’s military might lie at the extremes. There are options in-between. The relative role of deterrence and dialogue has also received considerable focus in recent years. This debate has been inevitably swayed by the anger in India at Pakistan’s conduct, giving rise to some misperceptions. ‘India’s Pakistan Conundrum’ examines the nature of the Pakistani state and its impact on the India-Pakistan relationship. It also looks at the key issues of the relationship and appraises a range of India’s policy options. It makes an objective assessment of the ground realities, addresses the misperceptions and suggests a way forward. Drawing on the author’s experience of two diplomatic stints in Pakistan, including as the High Commissioner of India, the book offers a unique practitioner’s perspective on this critical relationship.