Mar 29 2023 to Mar 29 2023 6:30 p.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
There are reports of cab drivers in the US asking their passengers: “Have you heard of ChatGPT?” This cultural phenomenon is indicative of an inflection point in the development of artificial intelligence. ChatGPT is a large language model (LLM), a kind of AI called a deep neural network. In this talk, Anil Ananthaswamy will explain the conceptual underpinnings of deep neural networks, LLMs, how they are trained, and curious emergent properties they are beginning to display (such as being able to solve math problems, even though they weren’t specifically trained to do so). The talk will also highlight the dangers of large language models, as they are currently designed, and why it’s important for society to become aware of the promises and perils of such AIs, as the technology has reached a point of no return. This session will be followed by a Q&A with the audience.