Oct 09 2024 to Oct 09 2024 7 p.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
60 Minutes | Tamil | Suitable for all ages
The play “Nadapaavaadai” centers on a woman who is forced to conduct burial rites for her entire village after the passing of her family member, who previously performed these duties. Due to social inequality and prevailing customs, women are rarely permitted to even enter the crematorium. The characters in the play question the lady’s access to the crematorium and her role in carrying out those rituals that are traditionally associated with men. The charismatic lady performs the rites by taking center stage, with only men allowed to visit the crematorium. She leads the burial rites in full face of the public – which many would be reluctant to undertake or would not be allowed to do. “Nadapaavaadai” attempts to initiate an engaging dialogue about her role in diverse social and cultural contexts and its implications. This play has evolved out of close observation, followed by extensive ethnographic fieldwork, engaging discussions, and participatory playmaking.