Mar 13 2025 to Mar 13 2025 7 p.m.
7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071
English | 75 minutes | Suitable for 13 Years and above
wepushthesky is an interactive solo performance that weaves together food, song, story, myth, and history. Where personal stories meet community histories, survival stories of the Karbala entwine with songs of the Mappila Ramayana, and anecdotes from the past confront desires about the future. A play that reflects on an urgent social reality of our present times—friendships that have been lost, gained, or have endured amidst increasing shrill political rhetoric across the world.
Written and performed by Nisha Abdulla and directed by Ujwala Rao, wepushthesky centres friendship and feminist solidarities as an antidote to the politics of hate. The play invites the audience to listen deeply to another’s reality and elevates listening to the act of an assertive ally. wepushthesky has toured widely to warm receptions in India, performed at the Feminist Theatre Festival in Jenin (Occupied Palestine), and has been invited to perform at the 15th Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) International Forum in Bangkok, Singapore Fringe Festival, as well as KNMA Theatre Festival in Delhi.
About Qabila:
Qabila is a collective formed in 2018, that centers new writing and the dissenting imagination in its work. The most
recent production is how long is february? a fantasy in three parts (a digital play about the pursuit of justice by victims
of state violence. Grantee of Edinburgh Festival Feinge 2023). Qabila’s Artistic Director is Nisha Abdulla, who brings
an anti-oppressive lens and process into the rehearsal room, and the learning spaces she holds as an educator.
Cast and Crew:
Playwright and Performer: Nisha Abdulla
Design and Direction: Ujwala Rao
Production Manager: Shradha Raj
Sound Design: Pardafash
Lighting Design: Arun DT and Madhusudan BR
Set Execution: Gowtham (Bheema)
:سياق المسرحية
منذ عام ،2014 لدى الهند حكومة منتخبة تنفذ أجندة عنصرية. يعتقد الحزب الذي يجلس في الحكومة أن الهند أمة هندوسية. ونتيجة لذلك، يلجأ المسؤولون المنتخبون
والعاملون في الحزب والمواطنون الذين صوتوا لصالحهم باستمرار إلى العديد من الوسائل غير الدستورية المختلفة لالعتداء على مواطني األقليات وتنفيرهم – باستخدام
أدوات مؤسسية مثل القانون ووسائل اإلعالم والدعاية، وكذلك عن طريق العنف الجسدي واإلعدام خارج نطاق القانون والعدالة بالجرافات. . المجتمع الذي يعاني من
.أسوأ هذه األيديولوجية التفوقية هو المواطنون المسلمون
ومع ذلك، يواصل المسلمون الهنود الرد باالحتجاجات السلمية والتأكيد على حقهم في المواطنة المتساوية. وقد انضم إليهم في هذه الحركة مواطنون علمانيون وناشطون
.وأكاديميون ومحامون ومعلمون وفنانون وغيرهم الكثير من خلفيات متنوعة، سواء في الهند أو على المستوى الدولي
يتعرض النسيج االجتماعي العلماني في الهند لتهديد عميق. لقد تم تطبيع سياسات الكراهية وتسرب الخطاب .wepushthesky في هذه الخلفية تم تخيل مسرحية
المثير للخالف إلى المنازل والعالقات والمساحات المشتركة. تستخدم المسرحية قص ًصا شخصية من حياة الكاتب المسرحي وتاريخ المجتمع الحديث لمناقشة الصداقات
التي ضاعت وتم العثور عليها بسبب سياسات الكراهية. تدعو المسرحية الجمهور إلى فعل االستماع العميق وتضع الجسم المستمع كموقع للمقاومة السياسية. فهو يقترح
الصداقة الناتجة باعتبارها األداة األقوى التي يمكن من خاللها السير نحو مستقبل متحرر ا
:عن قب
قابيلة” هي مجموعة جماعية تشكلت عام ،2018 وتركز في عملها على الكتابة الجديدة والخيال المخالف. أحدث إنتاج هو كم هو شهر فبراير؟ خيال من ثالثة أجزاء”
المديرة الفنية لقبيلة هي نيشا عبد هللا، التي .(2023 Fringe( مسرحية رقمية تدور حول سعي ضحايا عنف الدولة لتحقيق العدالة. الحائز على جائزة مهرجان إدنبرة
.تجلب عدسة وعملية مضادة للقمع إلى غرفة التدريب، ومساحات التعلم التي تشغلها كمعلمة
Nisha Abdulla
Playwright & Performer
Nisha Abdulla is a Bangalore based theatremaker practicing as playwright, director, dramaturg, and educator. She is the Artistic Director of Qabila, where her work centres new writing, the dissenting imagination, and shared futures. And founder member of OffStream, an initiative that supports artists across practices in creating anti-caste art. She also uses storytelling and theatre to teach in schools, universities, and community spaces.
Ujwala Rao
Ujwala Rao is a theatre-maker from Bangalore, India, with over 12 years of theatre experience in various roles like actor, dramaturg, and director. A Chevening Scholarship awardee for Master of Arts in theatremaking at the University of York, she has worked with prominent theatre groups in Bangalore, including Qabila, Rangashankara, Bangalore Theatre Collective, Osage and Sanchari Theatre. Her involvement extends beyond the stage, including work as a performer and content writer for initiatives aimed at raising social awareness.
Sound Design
Sandhya Visvanath a.k.a PARDAFASH is a multi-disciplinary artist who works in the fields of electronic music, animation and design. As a musician, she is interested in the intersection of electronic music and narratives which has led her to compose original music for touring theatre productions by Dramanon Bengaluru, Aravani Art Project and Qabila. She is currently a founding partner at Spitting Image, an independent design and animation studio working out of Bengaluru, India.
Arun DT
Lighting Designer
Arun DT is a Bengaluru based multifaceted artist with a passion for acting, lighting design, and production. With nearly a decade of experience in the theatre, Arun has successfully managed numerous productions, showcasing his versatile skills and dedication to the craft.
Shradha Raj
Production Manager
Shradha Raj is a theatremaker, actor, writer, filmmaker and facilitator from Bangalore. She is the recipient of the Gender Bender, and OffStream Futures Grant (2023). In the past 3 years, her artistic work has revolved around caste, language, and gender through theatre. Apart from which she has facilitated theatre and creative writing in various spaces for children. She believes that the world runs on stories and collaboration.