Home | Kids | Do You Know the Story of Your State? - The Genesis of India’s States

Do You Know the Story of Your State? - The Genesis of India’s States


Jan 26 2025 to Jan 26 2025 5 p.m.



Bangalore International Centre

7 4th Main Rd, Stage 2, Domlur 560071

Event Description

You were born in an Indian state. You live and study in an Indian state. You, like every other Indian, call at least one state home. Your state is a big part of your identity. And yet, do you know the story of how your state was created?

Come listen to the incredible origin stories of each of India’s twenty-eight states and eight union territories, spanning from Independence until today. The state that wasn’t even a part of India until 1975; the union territory that had a prime minister for a single day; the state that had three capitals; and the union territory that has beaches on both coasts! The session also includes a fun quiz that you don’t want to miss!

We at BIC have put together a day, full of events at our Library, to celebrate the 76th year of the Indian Constitution with kids at the heart of our programmes. Through stories, quizzes, and fun-filled sessions, we aim to get young minds thinking a little bit more in depth about our constitution and country.

You can view the other two events here and here.
Venkataraghavan Subha Srinivasan
Writer, Actor & Director

Venkataraghavan is a writer, actor, and director. His non-fiction book The Origin Story of India’s States was published by Penguin in 2021, and his children’s books by Pratham Books. His short fiction has appeared in The Iowa Review and The Bombay Literary Magazine. He was awarded the 2023 Neev Fellowship for Children’s Book Creators, for his forthcoming children’s novel set in the Madras Zoo during the Second World War.

He has written, directed, produced and performed in Brachio: The Story of a Lighthouse, a full-length play for children based on the principles of social justice and equity, which premiered at the Young BIC Theatre Festival 2023 in Bengaluru.

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