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Five annoying habits of restaurant goers

Imagine sitting at your favourite restaurant after a long day wanting nothing but peace. But along comes one of these people, and it’s enough to ruin your mood. We’ve all met them while dining out. Annoying? Adorable? Are you one of them?

The ‘hard core’ non vegetarian - This person loves non veg food, but will not eat beef. Fish is a big no no, “the texture and the eyes ugh.” They are also allergic to prawn and shellfish. This is also the person who makes most fun of the vegetarian at the table.

The Foodstagramer -  Just as you pick up the spoon after a long wait for the dish to arrive, “No no don’t eat your food yet, lemme get a picture first.” This person has to check in, check out, hashtag every meal you are enjoying, and we use that word very loosely.

“Let’s split the bill equally” - This person has had five mojitos, two starters and an OTT dessert.  You have had one burger. “Let’s do a fifty fifty, yaar.”

“I’m on a diet” - This one will only order that salad, “I want to eat light.” Then proceed to eat everything off your plate. In their defence the dessert was very tempting.

“This is very easy to make” -  This one usually hits the older generation who don’t dine out that often. When they do they are not very impressed. “What is this Tomato Risotto? I can make Bisibelebath at home for you.”

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