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Hangover Remedies. Myth Or Cure?

Let's be real, sometimes the only thing that can cure a hangover is time. So if all else fails, curl up on the couch with a movie (preferably something light and funny) and a big glass of water. Before you know it, you'll be feeling like your old self again.

It's the morning of New Year's Day and you're feeling the effects of the celebrations from the night before. Your head is pounding, your mouth feels like the Sahara Desert, and you're pretty sure you'll never drink again (at least until tonight). Don't worry, we've all been there. But fear not, because we've got the inside scoop on the best remedies for curing that pesky New Year's Day hangover.

First things first, hydration is key. Your body is likely dehydrated from all the alcohol you consumed, so chug some water and electrolyte-rich sports drinks to replenish those lost fluids. If you really want to go the extra mile, mix up a batch of "hair of the dog"—a Bloody Mary made with extra pickle juice and a spicy rim. The salty, spicy, and acidic flavors will help settle your stomach and give you a little hair of the dog that bit you (AKA a little bit of alcohol to ease the withdrawal symptoms).

Next up, nourish your body with some good, old-fashioned comfort food. A greasy breakfast sandwich or a bowl of noodles will do the trick. The grease will help coat your stomach and the carbs will give you a much-needed energy boost. If you're feeling a little more ambitious, try whipping up a batch of "hangover soup" - a hearty blend of broth, vegetables, and protein (like chicken or tofu) that will give you all the nutrients you need to recover.

If you're still feeling rough, it might be time to turn to some home remedies. Many people swear by the power of pickle juice, claiming it can cure everything from muscle cramps to hangovers. Others recommend a teaspoon of honey or a slice of toast with peanut butter to settle an upset stomach. And if all else fails, a nice, hot shower can do wonders for your body and your mood.

But let's be real, sometimes the only thing that can cure a hangover is time. So if all else fails, curl up on the couch with a movie (preferably something light and funny) and a big glass of water. Before you know it, you'll be feeling like your old self again.


Let's not forget about all the myths out there about hangover cures. You know the ones we're talking about - the "miracle" cures that your drunk self swore by last night, but now seem like total BS in the cold light of day. Like that time you chugged a cup of coffee, thinking it would sober you up (spoiler alert: it doesn't). Or when you took a cold shower and thought it would magically cure your hangover (sorry to break it to you, but that one's a dud too).

Don't even get us started on the "orange juice cure" or the "banana cure." These are just some examples of the countless myths that circulate about hangover cures. The truth is, the only real way to cure a hangover is to let time take its course and let your body naturally metabolize the alcohol. In the meantime, you can try some of the remedies we mentioned earlier, like hydration and nourishment, to help make the process a little more bearable.

So the next time someone tries to sell you on a "miracle hangover cure," just remember that the best way to avoid a hangover is to drink responsibly and pace yourself. And if you do find yourself in a less-than-stellar state the morning after a night of celebrating, these remedies should help you recover in no time. Cheers to a happy and hangover-free new year.


We've got just the recipe for you. Introducing the "Obnoxious Hangover Cure": a deliciously disgusting (but effective) remedy for curing even the most stubborn of hangovers.


  • 1 cup pickle juice

  • 1 cup tomato juice

  • 1 cup orange juice

  • 1 cup coconut water

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • 1 teaspoon hot sauce

  • 1 slice of bread, toasted and smeared with peanut butter

  • 1 banana, mashed


  1. In a blender, combine the pickle juice, tomato juice, orange juice, coconut water, honey, and hot sauce. Blend until smooth.

  2. Toast a slice of bread and smear with peanut butter.

  3. Mash a banana in a separate bowl.

  4. Pour the hangover cure mixture into a tall glass.

  5. Eat the peanut butter toast and mashed banana on the side.

  6. Drink the hangover cure mixture and brace yourself for the intense flavors.

  7. Take a nice, hot shower to wash away the effects of consuming this.

Disclaimer: This recipe is not for the faint of heart. The combination of sweet, salty, spicy, and sour flavors may be overwhelming, but trust us - it works. Just remember to drink plenty of water afterwards to help hydrate your body. And as always, the best way to avoid a hangover is to drink responsibly and pace yourself. ALSO NOTE: This recipe is intended for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be taken as medical advice. We take no responsibility for any allergy-related or other consequences that may occur as a result of following this recipe. If you have any concerns about your health or well-being, please consult a medical professional. Happy curing!

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